Memona Maqsood
2 min readJan 23, 2021

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” —Theodore Roosevelt

Hi everyone, I hope the life is treating you well. Today I’m going to discuss my experience abut CEO outreach. This project was assigned by FOSTER LEAERNING PAKISTAN. Our task was to outreach a CEO of any company and interview him/her regarding his/her struggles in organization/company management.

From our childhood we are told only ‘swotting up books’ is goal of our life. Whoever is better at memorizing the whole chapters is successful. But when we step into practical life, we are unable to understand our work because of unprofessional ethical behavior.

CEO outreach

I was very afraid of doing it because of my introvert nature, I was thinking how will I communicate with him, what ideas I will discuss and how I will manage time regarding interview but at the same time I was very excited because this was the beautiful step to our practical life. As we were divided into groups. My other team member was also a beginner. We both tried to reach many CEOS but found response of 1 CEO that is Sir Syed Kausar Abbas, CEO SSDO Pakistan.

CEO SSDO Pakistan

He is so humble and kind person that we did contact wit him on WhatsApp and in 2 days, He gave us his precious time. After discussing the idea and time management in mind, we started our meeting with beautiful words. My foster fellows were there in the given time. We started asking questions (we prepared already)related to leadership and management. He gently answered each question one by one in very easy and bold language. Learnt many things about Sustainable Social Developmental Organization (Non-governmental organization working to contribute to the well-being of society for social development through emphasizing a responsible citizenship).

The fear we had in our mind for talking with a big personality , flew away in seconds after talking to him as He is so down to earth leader. We talked about various pros and cons of leadership. By knowing his struggles and consistency in work, the best thing we got in mind is ‘Never give up’. We often get dishearten by people’s statements and rumors but if we want to grow mentally and professionally, we have to leave aside the people’s opinions and focus on our work.

In short, this activity is a gate way to our practical life. In Sha Allah!

